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    Please use the contact form below to ask us any questions, request further information or to get a quote. Please feel free to use it to get in touch and we will reply as soon as possible.

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      Our contact information

      By Olivier Clavel

      ZAE de l’Orthus

      34270 Sauteyrargues

      +33(0)4 67 15 01 91

      +33(0)6 82 09 99 82


      Lat: 43.847542 Long: 3.918127

      pdfRead our 2019 press release

      Download the press release

      Our Montpellier Showroom

      icône showroom

      Our Montpellier showroom

      My world, wich is given material form in my creations, can be fully appreciated in my exhibition space (showroom with true-size versions of different installations) close to Montpellier

      There, you will be able to see the full expression of my expertise and the strength of my feeling for art, as well as the fun i have with water,a pleasure, a visual, tactile and acoustic dialogue that strikes a chord with us.

      You will find ponds, fountains and aquariums there, to give you an introduction to this original and unusual art space.

      With the foothills of Cévennes as a backdrop, scrubland and sunshine surround us. This space is alive with fulfilment and emotion. Matter and materials intermingle with inspiration, expertise, technique and design. Everything is created in line with a concept of the ‘smart house’ where home automation plays its part to the full in providing a stage for aquatic life and the work of the landscape designer.
      My fellow craftsmen have left their trace of eccentricity, their artistic touches, perfectly showcasing how our talents can be combined in your projects.

      In the evening, the essence of my work comes into its own: the lighting system paints the space with little touches of white or coloured light, revealing here and there the shapes and the movements of the water and putting the finishing touches to this landscape painting, ‘Water landscaping’.
      Book now to experience this moment of emotion and sharing. I would be delighted to show you my creations, to act as a source of inspiration for your projects.

      Opening hours

      By appointment only

      Tuesday : 9am/12pm – 2/6pm

      Wednesday : 9am/12pm – 2/6pm

      Saturday : 9am/12pm


      Water, By Olivier Clavel, movie clip